
Coriander Seed Oil: The Ancient Ingredient That’s Amazing for Skin

Coriander Seed Oil: The Ancient Ingredient That’s Amazing for Skin

A Bowl of Coriander Seeds and A Bottle of Coriander Seed Oil

While Coriander spice is a culinary staple, Coriander Seed Oil deserves a place in your wellness and skincare routine. Coriander Seed Oil, derived from the ripe seeds of the Coriander plant, has an intriguing history of being used medicinally and topically for its health and beautifying benefits.

Coriander Seed Oil is extracted from the Coriandrum sativum plant through steam distillation. It is native to regions spanning from Southern Europe and North Africa to Southwestern Asia. However, the crop is widely distributed throughout the world. The entirety of the Coriandrum sativum plant is edible. Its leaves, commonly known as cilantro, have a delicious, lemony flavor that accentuates Mexican and South Asian cuisines. Coriander seeds, on the other hand, are used in Indian food for their warm and spicy flavor.

With promising antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-oxidative properties, Coriander Seed Oil is garnering attention in the beauty industry as a beneficial skincare ingredient.

The History of the Coriander Seed

Coriander seeds have been found in ancient ruins that date as far back as 5000 BC. The Egyptians used the seeds as an aphrodisiac and as an ingredient in perfumes. Additionally, the tombs of pharaohs contained Coriander seeds as a suspected symbol of eternal love.1 The Romans and Greeks used it to flavor their wine, while Indians used the seeds in natural remedies.

According to folklore, the Persians grew coriander seeds around 3,000 years ago to provide a pleasant fragrance in the hanging gardens of Babylon.2  Also, within the Bible, coriander seed is mentioned in Exodus 16:30 when God supplied manna to the Israelites in the wilderness.

Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Coriander Concepts

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the coriander plant is known to belong to the ‘Warm/Acrid’ family of herbs that release ‘Exterior’ ailments.3  These herbs purportedly treat early-stage diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract, eyes, ears, nose, throat, and skin. TCM believes that Exterior conditions disrupt the Wei Qi (immune system) and that Warm/Acrid herbs induce sweating that can expel these ailments.

Practitioners believe that Coriander can help bring balance within the body by restoring Yin and Yang, a key concept in TCM. Since Coriander is known to be Warm, it tends to help those who have too much Cold in their body. Having too much Cold means one either has a Yin Excess (Yin is Cold) or a Yang Deficiency (Yang is Hot). 4

Benefits of Coriander Seed Oil

Coriander Seed Oil is renowned for a multitude of health benefits. Taken internally, the oil has been used to aid in digestion due to its soothing quality. It possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties and has been taken orally for halitosis. Additionally, it has been used as a calming agent to address shock, trauma, and stress.

Coriander Seed Oil consists of three main components: monoterpenols, monoterpenes, and ketones. These elements give Coriander its cleansing, antioxidant, and wellness-boosting properties.

Coriander Seed Oil is replete with key antioxidants and active agents that provide amazing benefits, such as:

  • Terpinene: antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties
  • Quercetin: a flavonoid with antioxidant properties
  • Tocopherols: a form of vitamin E, absorbs UV rays, helps prevent UV-induced free radical damage
  • Linalool: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties
  • Terpinolene: antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial properties, acts as a sedative when mixed with linalool
  • Cineole: anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial
  • Phellandrene: antifungal, antibacterial
  • Dipentene: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress

If you want to explore more of the antioxidants and active agents within Coriander Seed Oil, check out our ingredient glossary.

Coriander Seed Oil in Skincare

Coriander Seed Oil was first used in lotions and skincare products for its deodorizing benefits. However more recently, it has become more widely used for its skin-caring antioxidant potency.

The benefits of Coriander Seed Oil for the skin are impressive:

  • It’s rich in vitamins. This includes Vitamin C, which promotes skin brightening as well as Vitamin E.
  • It’s anti-inflammatory. Can help soothe and calm sensitive or irritated skin.
  • It protects skin cells from oxidative stress. Antioxidant power helps prevent collagen fragmentation and skin diseases including cancer.
  • It supports skin wellness. Helps promote a clear complexion and improve oily skin.

DIY Uses of Coriander Seed Oil at Home

With your medical practitioner’s approval, there are many ways you can use Coriander Seed Oil at home – topically, aromatically, or even ingested. Here are some ideas for at-home DIY uses:

  • Mix a few drops of Coriander Seed Oil with water to combat bad breath.
  • Blend a few drops into a carrier oil like jojoba or MCT and use it as a massage oil to help relieve stiffness and promote circulation.
  • Add two drops to your bath to help increase libido.
  • For a refreshing and calming scent, add a few drops in a burner or diffuser. Coriander Seed Oil blends well with Bergamot, Cinnamon, Grapefruit, Ginger, Neroli, Lemon, Lime, Orange, and other citrus fruit oils.
  • Apply it directly to your back for digestive difficulties. Or take it internally with honey and water.
  • If you have sensitive skin, apply it neat to promote a clear complexion and address oily skin.

Humanist Beauty Herban Wisdom Facial Oil

Coriander Seed Oil is integrated into the Humanist Beauty Herban Wisdom Facial Oil for its aromatic properties and as a tonic to promote a feeling of well-being.

If you’re interested in experiencing Herban Wisdom Facial Oil for yourself, try a free sample. Along with your purchase, you’ll receive a $10 off promo code. At $100 per ounce, this sample is worth $16.67 by itself, which is an amazing deal. While supplies last.

https://articles.mercola.com/herbal-oils/coriander-seed-oil.aspx#_edn1) [1]

https://www.localharvest.org/blog/48630/entry/a_little_history_of_coriander [2]

https://www.meandqi.com/herb-database/coriander [3] [4]